Now-a-days, many people are buying and selling amid e-commerce in the arena of information technology. The online basis selling and buying is not limited within town only but also sprayed it from village to villages. Many commodities are getting from online but some commodities are very hard to get from online trades like sweets. Such hardly possible matter has been made easier by Misti Bari by selling sweets through online.
S M Al-Meraz, Chief Executive of Misti Bari desires more development of his own establishment. Many stories of Misti Bari like launching, planning, success etc. come out of the interview as taken Breaking news reporter Anjon Chandra.
Breaking News: Tell about you in brief.
Meraz: My village home is Amjhupi under sadar upazila of Meherpur district. I grownup at village. I am a candidate of HSC in Arts and a student of Meherpur Government College. From eleven class I thought to do something. I would try to work taking any new idea. Its ultimate result is Misti Bari which starting journey in 2014.
Breaking News: Tell about the starting of Misti Bari.
Meraz: At first Misti Bari’s business had started through Face book with two famous sweets of Meherpur district. It had started taking capital taka 300 only that a value of one kilogram sweet. The joy was unprecedented when got first order. That order was for one kg sweet to be reached 22 kilometer away from the establishment. Whatever the distance, don’t bother as it was the first indent, I delivered the same by riding bi-cycle in order to save the conveyance. The activities were being increased by and by abreast sweets of different districts started to add with Misti Bari. Currently we supply famous sweets of different districts to Dhaka and its adjacent areas.
Breaking News: How does the activity of Misti Bari run?
Meraz: All the responsibilities are performed by me. There is no partners in my business and leave no stone unturned to run the business alone. All the activities of Misti Bari are being conducted from Dhaka. I myself give direct labor and taking care of it. Presently Misti Bari’s representatives are available in different district and I myself rendering service in Dhaka with two delivery men.
Breaking News: How response you getting for sweets?
Meraz: As the business is online basis, People of country not yet accustomed to buying and selling from online system. Those who got services from us first, they become our customers. We are attaining the confidence of the consumers for our good services, quality commodities and to reach the commodities timely and properly to their addresses.
Breaking News: From where you got inspiration?
Meraz: One must have interest before opening any kinds of good work which I had always. Munshi Jahangir Zinnat, Chief Executive, Unique Soft BD, Yazdani Ullash, Munia Rahman and freelancer brothers and sisters of my district have been extending their sincere cooperation and inspiration since the very beginning of the Misti Bari for its development. I have received inspiration from the group “Not to be searched job from face book but to give”. Presently, I am getting inspiration and cooperation from freelancer Shahjahan Mohammed Sharif, Nazmul Topu including many others. Still I did not get any help from my family rather they misunderstand me. But I am optimistic that one day they could be understood and I will attain their support.
Breaking News: What problems you face for business?
Meraz: Many unwanted problems I face in online business like fake orders, customer’s problem in paying bills, problem in delivering commodities and depredations of spammers in online marketing.
Breaking News: What districts sweets are available here?
Meraz: Sabitry and Roshokodomboo of Meherpur, Curd and Khirsha of Serpur in Bogra, Sponze, Chanamukhi, Roshomalay of Monohorpurer Matryvandar, Comilla. Kanchagolla of Natore. Munda of Muktagacha, Mymensingh. Besides, according to order of the customers we used to supply sweets of Rajshahi, Chapainobabgonj, Faridpur, Netrokona, Tangail, Jessore, Chuadanga, Kushtia districts and other places.
Breaking News: What advantages give to the consumers?
Meraz: If anybody purchases sweets from Misti Bari need not go to market to have sweets by shunning the congestion. We shall reach their desired sweets taking fixed price. There is no inconvenience for making payment because arrangements are available of online payment and cash payment at site on delivery. Consumers may receive the tastes of sweets of different districts remaining at home.
Breaking News: How much reliability and dependability are there in Misti Bari’s sweets?
Meraz: Actually reliability is own. When a consumer is cheated from the e-commerce site, he loses his confidence on online selling and buying. We used to give chance to such type of consumers, they will repay the costs after taking taste of the sweets. Misti Bari has come roaring high expectation that is why Misti Bari wants to be the medium of trust of all. We want to create confidence of the people by giving quality services.
Breaking News: Tell about the expansion of the business.
Meraz: I told earlier that the customers are used to advertise our business. Then its major propaganda media is face book (www.facebook.com/mistibari.com.bd). It has also an online store www.mistibari.com
Breaking News: Tell about future plans.
Meraz: In the long run, I want to make the Misti Bari to be a best and dependable establishment of foods and sweets. Abreast Dhaka, we want to expand our services to other districts. As my Misti Bari does not give me chance to sleep for busyness, like that in no day my Misti Bari will be slept InshAllah.
Breaking News: Thank you for giving time.
Meraz: Thank you and Breaking News dot Com dot BD too.